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About Us

My MindInsole was launched out of a passion for finding true, lasting pain relief. Did you know that 75% of the world’s population has foot pain of some kind? That’s a lot of people, and the footwear industry has done little to correct the issue.

There’s no reason for you to have to suffer from foot pain when there are so many alternative options at your fingertips.

Who is My MindInsole?

We’re a bunch of people, just like you, that have grown tired of having foot pain. We’re thorough reviewers of products to help people overcome pain, suffering and aching feet.

But, unlike a lot of people, we provide straight-to-the-point reviews that tell you all of the good and bad behind a product.

We have a day job, and while our job may take up some of our time, we also have a passion for providing our readers with real information. Yes, we provide a lot of reviews, but we also provide a lot of great information that has the ability to change our readers’ lives.

What We Do at My MindInsole

My MindInsole is a passion of ours, and it’s a way for consumers to find products that actually work. If you’ve ever tried on new shoes, they likely felt comfortable while you were in the store. You may have taken a few steps, and even worn them all day without discomfort.

But a few days later, your stylish shoes have worn down slightly, and now you have this throbbing feeling in your foot.

It’s not a good feeling.

Why did this happen? Perhaps the shoe’s design isn’t supportive. Maybe your foot has grown since you last measured it, so you chose a size that was too small.

This happened to us one too many times, so we started out on our search to provide more comfort to your feet. The answer? Shoe inserts that provide your foot with the comfort, support and adjustments needed to be pain-free.

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MindInsole Review 2022
About Us - My MindInsole
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My MindInsole was launched out of a passion for finding true, lasting pain relief. Did you know that 75% of the world’s population has foot pain of some kind? That’s a lot of people, and the footwear industry has done little to correct the issue.

MindInsole Review 2022
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