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Here’s Why Your Feet Hurt – And Why You Need Insoles

If you’re on your feet all day at work, you could really use a pair of insoles. In fact, you could probably benefit from insoles with acupuncture points that massage your feet as you walk. Who wouldn’t love a foot massage every time they got up to walk around?

We know that sitting for long periods of time is bad for our health, but the same is true for standing. Sitting or standing for too long puts excess strain on the body.

Does that mean that you should leave your job? No. The right pair of insoles – like the massaging ones I just mentioned – can save your feet and your body a lot of pain.

Why Standing for Long Hours is Bad for Your Feet

Standing for long periods of time can cause foot pain. For some, this pain is severe or debilitating. The physical pain is just an initial warning sign of more troubling things to come. You can’t see what’s going on behind the curtain, but eventually – with prolonged periods of standing – musculoskeletal disorders can manifest.

When you stand for hours at a time, you’re affecting your knees, back, thighs, calves, lower back and hips. You may be surprised to learn that standing for long periods can cause more damage to the lower limbs than sitting for extended periods. If left unchecked, it can lead to some more serious issues down the road.

Venous insufficiency, varicose veins and the worsening of coronary diseases are just a few of the many issues people experience after years of standing on their feet for too long. These effects can be even worse in the elderly.

How to Counter the Effects of Standing Too Long

One of the best ways to counteract the effects of standing too long is a simple one: sit down. Alternate between sitting and standing as much as you can. For example, if you have to spend two hours on your feet, try to spend the next hour sitting down.

Sitting down will give your feet – and the rest of your body – a much-needed break.

While standing, you may want to shift your weight from one foot to the other from time to time. This will give each foot some relief.

If you’re not able to sit down, try stretching. Stretching can help improve blood flow and ensure that nutrients reach your extremities.

There are also several products that can help counteract the negative effects of standing, including:

Custom-Made Orthotics

Insoles provide so many benefits to your feet, which you can read all about in Mindinsole reviews. Along with absorbing shock, shoe insoles also provide support and make standing more bearable.

Insoles are available in a wide range of forms, so you can choose one that matches your lifestyle and needs.

If you have supination or over-pronation, a rigid or semi-rigid insole may be a good fit for you. These types of insoles are also great for athletes who need extra support.

A soft arch is ideal for those who stand on their feet all day. The foam allows for cushioned support where you need it most.

The goal with using inserts is to correct your step, alleviate pressure on the joints and ligaments, and to improve your posture. Insoles are really the best-known form of support for many foot problems.


When most people think of stretching, they think of yoga or pre/post workout stretches. But stretching regularly – and properly – can help fix most of your joint problems.

If you don’t time for a proper workout, a 20-minute yoga session will stretch and elongate those tired, aching muscles.

Standing for long periods of time puts the most strain on your lower body, so activating these muscles can help you feel better. Activating the gluteus maximus, the largest muscle on the body, is a great way to improve your flexibility and your range of motion.

Stretching your hamstrings is also important, as they become stiff and tense after standing for long periods of time.

Making it a point to stretch your entire body for just 20 minutes a day can work wonders for your overall flexibility and pain relief.

Compression Socks

Standing for long periods of time causes the blood to pool and your legs to feel fatigued. Compression socks can help counteract this by helping the blood to move through the body more efficiently.

There are three ranges of compression available:

  • 15-20 mmHg
  • 20-30 mmHg
  • 30-40 mmHg

Ask your doctor for recommendations on which compression level would be best for you.

The negative pressure from standing causes the blood to pool in the wrong places, which is what causes swelling in the legs. Compression socks will improve venous blood flow to ensure that your blood keeps flowing back to the heart and out to your extremities.

Socks alone won’t solve your aching-feet problem, but they can ease the pressure and provide some relief.

Invest in a Good Pair of Shoes

It’s tempting to buy those cheap shoes on display (who can argue with a good deal?), but cheaper shoes usually equate to cheaper quality. Cheap shoes are hard on your feet.

The right pair of shoes for you may not necessarily be a flat one. A little elevation can actually be good for the feet. However, heels that are higher than 3” can put strain on the legs and may harm the sensitive nerves in your feet.

Those stilettos you’ve been eyeing may look great with your outfit, but they can put some serious strain on your feet and other parts of your body. If you really want to wear them, then get a good pair of inserts to match the shoe.

But if you plan to stand for several hours, go with a much lower heel.

Can you reverse the damage caused by standing too long? That depends on how much damage has been done. The longer you spend on your feet, the more irreversible the damage will become. But it’s never too late to buy a good pair of insoles to stop the damage in its tracks and prevent it from getting worse.

September 4, 2020
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